Friday, December 5, 2008

How our Crappy Economy Structured

assume that a group of castaway or stranded on a island, let's say 5 of them are Asians and one of them is a American, and when they get a stand on this island, the have to giddy up for the workload, so one of the asian is giving the job of hunting looking for meat another one is fishing trying to catch fish, another one is in charge of foraging the island for vegetation, so another one got the job of looking for wood, to build the fire and cook the meal, and then it comes down to the american, and let's say what job are we going to assign the american, well the american gets to assign the job of eating, and so at the end of the day, all these asians gather around this big table after a hard day of foraging, hunting and fishing, and they prepare to feed this american, who did nothing all day but sun himself on the beach. He has a service economy.

In any event, a modern economist who is looking at this little island's economy would say, "ah, the american is the key to the whole thing, without this American and his raving of appetite, these poor asians would have nothing to do all day, they would all be unemployed!"

well the reality is, the asians are privilege capable of consuming the foods themselves. now perhaps if they didn't spend all day long feeding this fat american, they wouldn't have to work as hard, maybe they could pursue other interests they had, the best thing they can do to improve their own standards of living would be to kick that american off the island. Of course when that happened the american's is in trouble, because now he doesn't have 5 asians doing his work.

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