Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Recession, , Greeds, and the Bailout nations, how will that affect our lives, and what does the futures hope?

We've heard that this is the age of moral crisis, and insanity. However you wanna call it, Consider the following conversation of 2 New York subway passengers:

Passenger A: Man, I started to feel that this train is shaky too. This system has never been improve

(while passenger B is sweet talking to his girl, he then answer...)
Passenger B: Well, if you've drink a cup of beer in the morning, maybe you'll never need to worry about it.

Passenger A: Yeah, Don't you think that this is ridiculous? They raise our fair last year and they planning to raise our fair again, don't you think that the city has raised enough taxes on us already? Besides service sux as always, and things has never gotten improve. and several station stinks, but also with beggars and bums loitering around.

Passenger B: Like I said, that's why you should definitely get a drink when you wake up early in the morning, so you can chill out. live your life. and Be happy.

Passenger A: Hmm... interesting, what do you do for living btw...

Passenger B: I pick up this girl next to me for living

(Passenger A started laughing out loud)
Passenger A: Hahaha, you crack me up. Seriously What do you do?

Passenger B: Well I work in the Media company, making quite a OK living, well and I'm cherishing this girl next to me now. My future wife...

Passenger A: So what's stopping you 2 to get marry now?

Passenger B: Well, we've trying to buy a house, even though we save enough amount of money already. but seems like living life with dreams and every luxurious things you want is like it is out of reach.

Passenger A: Wouldn't you favor a tax cut?

Passenger B: Why? Tax is not optional. We need pay uncle sam to protect our nation, to keep us save.

Passenger A: Don't you think that the gov't got way out of hands? Don't you think that they neglected on our responsibilites too much? and recklessly spend our money and got us into this Recessions and economic mess?

Passenger B: yeah, but...

Passenger A: ...but why do we have to pay so much for so long already? We have let our gov't get out of hands too much and we've have pay them more than enough already, at the cost of our standard of life. Think about it, most of us pay over 37.5% of Taxex, and they spend our taxes recklessly like it's a joke or something, and this is ridiculous.

Wouldn't it be nice to cut down some of our taxes and you'll get a extra couple of hundred dollars back in your pocket every month. Maybe you can buy your girlfriend a new pair of necklace for her birthday present or for christmas, spend some times with her for a nicer vacation in Caribbean, why not? or Save enough to buy a better house for you 2 to live in more comfortably.

Passenger B: Yeah, you're right, but I feel like we don't have much of a choice.
(train stopped, Passenger B getting off)

Well it's nice talking to ya. and thanks for the tips.

Passenger A: You too and Good luck!

From the Above message, you'll see that not many people has realize the freedom they can have by being able to work hard and save their money, they worry about not getting pay too much but never though of complaining about them being taxed too much.

think about it? Why whould we the American are being catagorized by the world as Lazy and stupid? I've heard that Americans used to work hard back in the industrial age in the early and mid 20th centry, now everyone just lazy here and demand more wages and benefits from their employers.

You know what I think? I think that our taxation system is actually totally distrasterous, Think about it, people who don't make as much they get tax little on the lower tax bracket, then people who made more get tax a lot at the higher bracket! So that's why some people don't even have the incentive to work as hard or be committed to work anymore. Taxation system like this destroys people's work incentive, and it encourage people not to work!

I personally heard that we have people here in NYC only work for a limited amount of hours like 34 hours a week, don't plan to work over 40, and then in turn they'll line up in line to get food stamp, and whatever gov't programs they can have available.

Worst To think of how our tax money is being spent, let's hear a story that I personally heard from a friend where in Virginia that there was a woman who wear expensive $1000 shoes and $5000 dollar coat walk in to the grocery store and pull out a food stamp card. Isn't that ridiculous? There are people that literally exploiting this kind of corrupted system, and the gov't is allowing that to happen.

Come on? where is justice in this horrific system? This entitlement Mentality gotta stop, we need to learn how to produce, to stop being too spoiled and with this entitlement mentality so much, it's gotta end!

Coming up, I'll be posting more and more articles and hopefully you guys will find it interesting!

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