Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Politics, Life, Wealth, Economy, society, Romantic Love, Futures, Happiness

I know that this is probably my 2nd post on this blog, although I never did contribute much to it. hmm... Where should I start?

Oh OK, some of you will ask me why I starting to write blogs, I guess I write blog because I have the passion and the love of doing it. My blog will probably be aiming at world crisis, Politics and Philosophy. I'll also include sometime that concludes in the area of our lives. If you find it useful, feel free to check me out hehe....

I'm basically an Engineer in the Technology field, my passion in life has been with Technology and Business, and I'm also a Navy Veteran. I've never been so glad that I've learn so much over the course of the years of my life. Yes I'm the very few Asian that has ever live outside the boundary of my culture. I am also a advocate of Freedom, Reason as well as Libertarianism and Objectivism. So Watchout World!

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